Medieval Armor: Helmets, Shields, Boots, and Many More!

medieval armor

Many people wonder what medieval armor is and what it looks like. This is any protective garment worn during the middle ages as part of personal defense, war, or tournament activities in England and Europe between 1066-1485 CE. It included helmets, shields, and other types of apparel like boots and belts.

This term also included defensive systems as heavy coats of chain mail or as part of its components such as the coat-of-plates. During the 14th century CE, knights often wore them in tournaments, armed conflicts, and battlefields.


The development of these armors was primarily due to wartime needs. They began by being made out of quilted leather or linen. Warriors used to wear them during their travels until they reached the battlegrounds where they put on more complete suits of armor that consisted of various metal plates that covered their bodies. Here are some examples of the stuff included in this armor:

1.   Medieval Helmets

Typically, a medieval knight would wear a helmet. A medieval helmet protects the head from most small blades, arrows, and spears. It also protects the face from blunt objects. A helmet also helps to maintain perspiration and keeps the head warmer during cold weather. 

A knight could have one or more helmets on his head at any time. Helmets are essential to a knight's safety but are also used as symbols of rank and social status.

2.          Medieval Shield

A medieval shield is often made of wood with an iron frame and decorated with leather, metal, or cloth designs. They are mostly circular or oval in shape, and although the earliest examples of shields were often only painted, later examples are highly decorative. 

Shields are not only used for defense purposes but also as platforms for military ceremonies. A knight could have one or more shields with him at any time.

3.          Medieval Boots

Medieval boots weren't made just for looks--they also protected the knight's legs from any blow or being pierced by a blade. Knights often wore knee-high boots made from heavy materials like leather and iron to protect their legs. This medieval armor is sometimes decorated with embroidery or other small items when worn by a nobleman during tournaments or other functions.

4.          Medieval Gloves

Medieval gloves weren't really for protection. They were mostly worn to help knights grip their swords and other weapons better. A knight always had to hold his sword correctly--with two hands, which is something that many of us don't do in fencing classes today! 

Gloves made of leather are often offered as gifts to fellow knights, lords, and ladies on special occasions such as wedding days or tournaments. A knight could have one or more gloves with him at any time.

5.          Medieval Trousers

Medieval knights wore tight-fitting pants, also known as trews, to protect their legs while they were mounted on their horses. They wore these pants to protect their leg muscles and joints from being weakened or injured while riding. A knight could have one or more trousers with him at any time.

Uses of Medieval Armor!

Medieval armor was worn by a wide variety of people in different places and for variou reasons. The most common use was as a military uniform, but it would also have been used for religious purposes such as the Crusades or to protect oneself from the natural elements. 

There are many types of this armor, but the most common are mail hauberks, helmets with visors, and some type of shields like an arming cap or "gambeson". Mail has long been recognized as one of the best forms of defense because unlike steel plate it will not shatter on impact and is machine-washable.


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