
Medieval Armor: Helmets, Shields, Boots, and Many More!

Many people wonder what medieval   armor is and what it looks like. This is any protective garment worn during the middle ages as part of personal defense, war, or tournament activities in England and Europe between 1066-1485 CE. It included helmets, shields, and other types of apparel like boots and belts. This term also included defensive systems as heavy coats of chain mail or as part of its components such as the coat-of-plates. During the 14th century CE, knights often wore them in tournaments, armed conflicts, and battlefields.   The development of these armors was primarily due to wartime needs. They began by being made out of quilted leather or linen. Warriors used to wear them during their travels until they reached the battlegrounds where they put on more complete suits of armor that consisted of various metal plates that covered their bodies. Here are some examples of the stuff included in this armor: 1.    Medieval Helmets Typically, a medieval knight would wear a

For What Purpose Were The Medieval Swords Used?

The word "medieval" often conjures up images of knights in shining armor, battling it out on the field of honor. And while there is no doubt that medieval swords played a role in many a battle, they were also so much more than just weapons. These swords were often intricately designed, and they were considered to be works of art as much as they were tools of war. These swords are often associated with knights and chivalry, but they were also important tools in battle. While the sword was not the only weapon used in medieval times, it was certainly one of the most popular. There are many different types of these swords, each with its own purpose and design.  Most Popular Swords The most common type of sword was the longsword,  the greatsword, and the rapier. The longsword was a versatile weapon that could be used for both thrusting and slashing. It had a long blade that was often double-edged, making it ideal for both offensive and defensive fighting.  The greatsword

A Complete History Behind MF Doom Mask!

Masks have been used for centuries all around the world as a means of protection from outside influences. They can ward off spirits, conceal the identity, and offer peace of mind in many different situations. Masks are also used to provide spiritual guidance or as a symbolic image for a character or organization.   We're here to talk about the masks created by MF DOOM, an American rapper and record producer who blends elements of hip-hop music with metal, rock, blues, and jazz influences. In fact, we'll be sharing the story behind his "MF" doom mask which he originally wore during concerts and photoshoots up until 2001 when it was stolen. History of MF Mask This unique mask has taken on a mythical status amongst fans of DOOM, and for good reason. It's been featured in many different forms, including as a large tattoo on his body, or simply taking the form of a pair of spectacles. The mask itself has been subject to various interpretations and revealed throug